What is Cross Platform Advertising?

What is Cross Platform Advertising?

When the media want to broadcast news or advertise different brands to promote them , they use a technique called "cross platform advertising" which means that everyone around the country or world will get know because "Nowadays, it is not enough for an advertiser to create a TV spot or place an ad in the daily newspaper and expect miracles from their advertising campaign."

With Cross platform advertising, everyone from all ages will receive information, whether they are elderly or teenagers, adults and kids.

"Nowadays, single platform campaigns are slowly disappearing. Advertisers have recognized the advantages of new technologies and are starting to implement them into their traditional TV, radio and print advertising campaigns. Today, more potential customers spend time on the Internet and social media than watching TV or listening to the radio."

Advantages of Cross Platform Advertising
  • Services such as Facebook or Twitter manage to connect people and provide them with a place to share their experiences and conversations with their friends.
  • With internet being more accessible to a wider audience, social media services can bloom.
  • By integrating social media and the information technology into advertising campaigns,advertisers can dramatically increase the reach of their campaigns, as well as the engagement of potential customers.
  •  Increased reach and engagement produce better results which are relatively easy to track and analyse. For example, Facebook’s ad platform enables easy tracking of conversions through Facebook.


  1. Well done Rochelle! you have shown your understanding of cross platform advertising.
    Areas of improvement include:
    -You could involve some links or images showing a brand using cross platform advertising i.e. an advertising campaign
    -You could add structure to your work by including some disadvantages of cross platform advertising
    -You could outline in your introduction the fact that cross platform advertising allows for audiences/customers to consume information from a variety of outlets e.g. TV, Radio, Online and print based.

    Good work,



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