THINK! TV Advertising Campaigns


The company THINK! provides road safety information for road users.
They say,  "Our aim is to encourage safer behaviour to reduce the number of people killed and injured on our roads every year."

THINK! have made range of campaigns that they've done throughout the years on the unacceptable behaviour which occurs when on the road and providing ways to prevent them from happening or changing the ways they are carried out.

The campaigns they have done are about driving whilst on drugs, drink driving, country roads, cycling, fatigue, mobile phones, seatbelts, speed, horse sense, motorcycling and tales of the road.

Under the drink driving campaign, the company have put done the statistics of people who have died whilst driving under the influence of alcohol, laws on how much alcohol one can consume, consequences of driving whilst drinking alcohol and advice for those wanting to drink alcohol but also want to drive.

They say, "Our campaign targets those who still think it’s okay to have ‘a couple’ of drinks before driving. The campaign provides a positive reason to not drink that second drink if you’re driving – because something even better is happening tomorrow. A second drink doubles your chances of being in a fatal collision and missing out on all of it. We’re specifically targeting young men as 62% of drink drivers killed on our roads are men."

For their Drug Driving campaign they have listed the change made to the drug driving law, the consequences of driving whilst under the influence of drugs and how the different types of drugs can affect your driving.

For the motorcycling campaign they have listed facts about motorcycling and giving advice to motorcyclists or people learning how to ride a motorbike such as: are they able to overtake, take regular breaks and cornering techniques.

From the campaigns above, they are all targeted to adults, who range from the young adults to the elderly. The messages being conveyed are that they should be more aware and more careful when on the road as there are many hazards which can occur when driving.

I think they are in between effective and not effective. They are affective because there are facts and statistics and advice about those things, but then they are not affective because people don't usually go on the internet to find out about road safety and I feel like the messages from the campaigns would get across better if they were in the form of videos.

Finally there is a campaign called "Tales of the road" and it is aimed more towards young kids as well as adults. Under tales of the road, there are videos which have different scenarios that can occur on the road due to the actions of young children. They show the conditions of the children as a result of what they did when they were on the road, what they did and how it could've been prevented. I think this campaign is very affective as it let children be aware of what to do when they are near roads.

link to the website:


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