Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs

Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs

Image result for maslow hierarchy of needs theory

Maslow's hierarchy of needs is a theory in Psychology that was proposed by Abraham Maslow.
The hierarchy is made up of 5 essential needs that humans need. They are: Physiological needs, safety, love, esteem and self- actualization.

The physiological needs are things like: food, water, warmth, shelter and rest which are provided by our families.

Safety for an individual involves security and protection.

Love for individual is the relationships they have with others, so they could be friendships,intimate relationships or love from their families.

Before making it to self-actualisation, an individual needs esteem. With esteem, the individual will feel a sense of accomplishment.

Finally there is self-actualisation. Self-actualisation is when an individual achieves something. e.g. becoming a millionaire or going to university.

The physiological needs and safety are the basic needs an individual requires, then love and esteem are psychological needs they require and self-actualisation is the self-fulfilment needs the individual needs.

With the Hierarchy of needs, individuals can discover where they are.
People can make it all the way to the top of the hierarchy but then go down or they can remain in certain categories within the hierarchy but it is not known for many people to remain at the top.


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