Terror Attack in Las Vegas

On Monday 2nd October a mass shooting took place at Music Festival in Las Vegas during the early hours of Monday morning.

People sitting by the barrier avoiding broken glass

people running for shelter

From the shooting it is said that at least 58 people are dead and around 515 people are injured.

Police say that a gunman who was at the 32nd floor of a Las Vegas Casino who started shooting towards the people down below who were at the concert.

The gunman is said to have been a 64 year old  white man who had no criminal history.

After the shots were fired, police stormed into the gunman's hotel room to arrest him, only to find out that he had killed himself.

This attack is similar to other attacks towards the public through the past couple of years.

From all the attacks there seems to be a similar pattern running through all of them such as the suspect killing themselves, killing/injuring people and terrifying people.

According to police, this is the deadliest mass shooting in modern America.

This terror attack has led to many changes which are taking place / yet to take place such as enforcing gun control laws in America and people donating blood to the victims who were injured in the attack.


A notice sign saying blood donations are needed.

People queuing up outside a blood donation centre. 

Compared to other attacks there has not been any laws set against gun control to prevent mass shooting like this taking place in America.


  1. This was very informative and well written. It was good that you used pictorial examples to back up your work. It also brought more light on such a tragic event that took place


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