Research for Group Product This story is taken from the website "Quartz". It is about a school in South Africa which has banned girls from wearing afros and natural hairstyles because they are untidy. This story was taken from the Guardian and is about a school in Australia which is not allowing black students to keep their hair in braids as it is seen as untidy and does not represent the school. - This story was posted on the newspaper 'Mirror's' website after being seen on the TV show 'This Morning' about a 12 year old school boy being told that he was banned from a school because he had dreadlocks.

Tuesday said her son's hairstyle was "not an issue" and she had met the headmaster on several occasions without his dreadlocks being mentioned.

She said: "I'm a strict mum. Before he even went to the school he spent an entire day in the school. Nothing was said to me, I sat down and downloaded the policy and nothing was said about dreadlocks".

Chickayzea, who had not been given permission to miss school for the interview, revealed the trauma of being taken out of class during his first week at secondary school.

The year seven pupil said: "I was in class and then my head of house came in and asked me if I can come out of class for a second and she told me that by Monday my hair was to be cut.

"I was upset and a bit worried because I really wanted to go to that school."


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