movie trailer group work

3 uses of mood boards

Mood boards are used to gather images for a project to give the person an idea as to what they should include in their project.

Gives hints to the audience about what the project is about e.g. the genre.

3 uses of storyboards

Storyboards are used to build the events featured in the project in order e.g. film trailer.

Allows you to figure out what shots and angles need to be used.

3 differences between mood boards and storyboards

A storyboard is more detailed as compared to a Mood board.

A mood board is a collage of images that are used to hep you figure out what genre the film is about and a storyboard shows the order in which the trailer goes.

A story board is a rough plan of how the film trailer would look like before it is created and finished.


  1. Well done Rochelle.
    Dont confuse the mood board with specific relation to the genre of the film-they can reference the genre however, think of the mood board as the very start of a pre-production process, they can be very spontanous


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