Analysis of the video: AXE Sunar: Welcome to The Jungle - Novo Amor

At the beginning of the video, the screen is black and then the title of the video appears saying “welcome to the jungle”. From this I can picture a noisy and crazy atmosphere from the word jungle.

From the word jungle I picture danger, unknown species and tribes.

Then after the title appears a car appears drifting with making any screeching noises even though we usually hear cars making screeching noises.

Then we are introduced to black men who appear in the form of the stereotypes that have been made against them such as wearing gold chains, appearing shirtless, in a gang and has dogs with gold chains. From this, the dogs look like they are precious to the owners as they have gold chains as leads and are there for protection or defence.

Women are shown afterwards and they are being sexualised by the way they are dressed. The way they are dressed and the way they are dancing is provocative, which can be seen as them needing or wanting money from men. The colour of their outfits is red and red is a colour that symbolizes danger, lust, love and many other things.

After the women are shown paparazzi are shown taking loads of pictures. By them taking loads of pictures could mean they are working quickly in order to receive loads of money from the government.

A wealthy guy is then shown entering his car to sit next the women he had waiting for him. The women look like rich, European women from the way they are dressed. Like the pearls they are wearing and the dresses which are not revealing compared to the women towards the beginning of the video. Pearls are sign that someone is rich as they are expensive. From the appearance of their faces they don’t look happy even though they are with a wealthy man. By looking at this I can tell that money does not make everyone happy. So they might have been forced to go out with him for the money and other purposes.

Shortly after a TV is thrown out of the window. The TV being thrown out of the window could mean a number of things such as the TV representing stereotypes and they are being ignored and thrown away or the TV is a form of media that is feeding lies into our minds and we come to reality to realise that we do not need stereotypes in our lives.

Rioting taking place and law enforcers such as the police being out to stop all of the chaos. From this I get the picture of the rioting also representing the stereotypes and the police being the people as they are trying to stop the stereotypes from getting out of control or taking control of the people.

Then street dancers are dancing which could mean that they are free and being themselves and have not let the stereotypes take over their minds.

Money is being thrown by business men and accountants and is pouring down like rain on the people. This does not seem to be a positive thing because by the wealthy throwing money upon the people, it seems like they are laughing at those who are below them (according to their social status) rather than trying to help them.

Models appear and they look European.                                                                                                    

Rich people, weight lifters, models, wealthy men throwing money all stand in a line allowing something to pass through them and that something was a woman who has blonde hair, blue eyes, subtle make up and looks around confused. From this, it can mean many things like her trying to figure out life without stereotypes or she is trying to get past all of stereotypes that may have been made towards her until she has been able to live life without thinking about those stereotypes.

After the woman walks through the people a man appears in the distance and seems confident as he has a nice smile. The man could symbolize someone who managed to ignore the stereotypes and live life the way he wants to and is waiting for someone to live life with. At the end they walk off together which shows that they have overcome many obstacles along the way in order to be free from believing the stereotypes that have been made against them.

Ending says ‘bring the quiet’. From the title at the end, it might be trying to tell people to ignore stereotypes.

Overall from the whole video there seems to have been many appearances of different tribes which demonstrate examples of the stereotypes they face on a daily basis.


  1. Rochelle, the chronology in your analysis helps us to understand when things are happening and your inclusion of the video helps. Although you do explain what certain elements are it is currently a little too descriptive, you will need to go into a little more depth. Remember CCCEO? How and where do you think that you have used this? How could you have used more?

  2. Well written and described, but i can't seem to find any opinion or actual evaluation on the advert. But overall good work.


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